• Southern Lakes Ultra provides a certain amount of “duty of care” over all competitors, volunteers and stakeholders in the Southern Lakes Ultra Event. Southern Lakes Ultra Event will be run as described, throughout this Website and in the Athlete Manual.

  • Southern Lakes Ultra have a Health and Safety Plan in place and provide a number of compulsory briefings for all athletes and crew involved. Briefings will be held, for both Athletes and Crew, prior to departure from Queenstown and Arrival at Camp One.

  • Athletes will have two briefings, each day; held in the evening, pertaining information for the following days stage and a further morning Briefing will also take place, prior to athletes starting that stage.

  • Crew will have an additional daily briefing, held at camp each evening.

  • It is up to all participants, (included but not limited to), Athletes, Spectators, Volunteers and Stakeholders, to use Common Sense and take care of yourself and each other, whilst at Southern Lakes Ultra. Participants have a duty of care, to ensure, they have appropriately trained for the event and possible conditions. Participants need to ensure they have enough water, food, dress appropriately for the conditions, are able to handle themselves correctly in extreme conditions of heat / cold / wind, and how to care for themselves in the terrain for which they will be travelling over.

  • Southern Lakes Ultra will provide support and assistance, where needed, however it is up to each individual participant to ensure you prepare yourself and can handle the event and conditions of the event.

  • If you wish to discuss the safety of the event, and our plans and procedures, then please contact us at any time

  • Below is a copy of our Hazard Register and our Health and Safety Statement.


    Southern Lakes Ultra is committed to ensuring the Health and Safety of all organiser’s volunteers and runners.

    The foremost objective of the Southern Lakes Ultra is to encourage healthy lifestyles and provide an Event in the picturesque South Island from the Southern Lakes to Queenstown.

    While it is important for competitors to achieve their goals, at no point will athletes be coerced or pressured into continuing beyond the point they feel comfortable.

    Organisers will ensure the safety of runners and volunteers by:

    ·         Ensuring that people are not exposed to unmanaged or uncontrolled hazards.

    ·         Providing and maintaining a hazard identification procedure and management strategy

    ·         Annually reviewing and updating the Health and Safety Management Plan

    ·         Recording & investigating incidents and communicating the learnings to all

    Our goal is to ensure everyone involved achieves their personal goals in a healthy and safe way. There will be open and honest communication between the organiser’s, volunteers and runners at all times.  

    Kerryn Bell

    Race Director


    Please click on the below link to take you through to our Hazard Register.

    Hazard Register


    Please click on the below link to take you through to our RISK MATRIX.

    Risk Matrix